10 MAY 2025
Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul

Casa Park - 15h30
Av. Carlinda Pereira Contar, 2081 - Jardim Veraneio, Campo Grande - MS, 79037-200
10 / 05 / 2025


Hotel Deville Prime
We recommend that you stay at the hotel Deville Prime Campo Grande. This is a complete hotel that is located a 3-minute walk from Parque das Nações Indígenas, a tourist attraction in the city, and a 10-minute drive from the reception location.

Acess the website
Select the Deville Prime Campo Grande and put the dates (we recommend minimum booking of 09 - 11/05/2025)
Our guests have a 15% OFF. To active the discount pulse the bellow "I have a code" and write CASAMENTOAC

Campo Grande Airport city have direct flights from tree other brazilian cities:
São Paulo (Guarulhos Airport and Congonhas Airport)
Campinas, SP (Viracopos Airport)
Brasília, DF
Cuiabá, MT
Domestic flights
International flights
Unfortunately, the Campo Grande Airport does not have direct flights from international destinations. If you are coming from Europe or the USA we recommend the Guarulhos Airport (São Paulo) for connections.
Pay attention to connection times at the airport before buy your flight.
What can you do in Campo Grande?
Campo Grande is the capital of the Mato Grosso do Sul State.

This is one of Cecília's favorite places. Here she used to run everyday in the morning. The Parque das Nações Indígenas is a good place to walk, run and meet the famous capybara and other typical Brazilian animals.

You can visit the largest freshwater aquarium of the Latin America located in Parque das Nações Indígenas (acess to Afonso Pena Avenue). To reserve your visit click in this link below:
In the weekends you can enjoy the Parque dos Poderes and drink a ice cold coconut water or a delicious açaí after cycling or walk.
To eat in Campo Grande

This is the best place for a typical brazilian barbecue, where you can taste the best picanha in the famous rodízio (all you can eat)

If you like a good meat in a good place this is the best one that we can recommend for you.

This is the most traditional restaurant in Campo Grande. The Casa do Peixe brings a lot of kinds of typical fishs from Pantanal rivers.

For a delicious açaí and a typical tapioca de carne seca with cream cheese with a magnific sunset view.

Sésamo Gelato
This is Cecília's favorite gelato in the world. Just taste it!

The brazilian sweets are incredible! Do you know the brigadeiro? In this sweet shop you can taste a lot of kinds of brigadeiro and other sweets.
Make and Hair
For our dear guests,
Here are recommendations for makeup and hair.
Say you are going to Cecília and Alfonso's wedding for preferential service.