21 JUN 2025
Castle of Santa Catalina
Parador de Jaén, 23001 Jaén, Espanha

Basilica of St Ildefonse - 11h45
Pl. San Ildefonso, s/n, 23001 Jaén, Espanha
For your convenience and to enjoy a complete experience, we recommend that you stay at the hotel where our celebration will take place. It is a medieval castle from the 13th century, voted one of the top10 castles in all of Europe. We recommend that you make your reservation at least from 20 to 22/06/2025 (two nights).
Our guests have a special accommodation rate.
Important: This date is locked for our wedding. Therefore, it is only possible to book via Parador email.

Parador de Jaén, 23001 Jaén, Spain
To booking:
Send a e-mail to recepcion.jaen@parador.es with the topic "Huéspedes-Boda Cecília y Alfonso"
Fill in the information:
-number of guests
-booking dates
-name and passport number
-billing data (card number and expiration date).
Note: card details are only for reservation, payment will be made in person at check-in/checkout.

How to get to Jaén
Madrid to Jaén
By car: 330km - 3h
By train: 4h (Renfe)
you can buy the train ticket in this
(note: Renfe train tickets are only sold 60 days before the trip)
By bus: 3h30min, *check options at Samar.es, for connections between Aeropuerto Madrid o Madrid - Estación Sur (this last one with direct connection with Jaén)
By train: 1h45min AVE (high-speed train) Madrid to Córdoba; connection Córdoba-Jaen via train (3 trains per day), bus or rental car
you can to buy the train ticket in this
(note: Renfe train tickets are only sold 60 days before the trip)
From Málaga
Jaén doesn't have an airport
The Granada Airport is the closest one, 93km from Jaén
What you can do in Jaén?
Santa Catalina castle

given you will already be at the venue for the wedding, we recommend visiting the castle that sits atop the city of Jaén. There are tours every day and we recommend walking till the monumental cross that overlooks the city. With a medieval style, the castle was constructed in the 13-15th century, although it began as a Moorish fortress in the 8th century, and has the status of National Cultural site. The castle and the Parador have an impressive view over the valley of Guadalquivir and the ridges of Sierra Morena, where you will witness the vast "olive oil sea" that characterizes the province of Jaén and that concentrates 50% of Spanish olive oil production or 20% of the world production. The Parador has been ranked in the top 10 European castle to stay by Tripadvisor. French General Charles de Gaulle stayed in the Parador and the castle while writing his memoirs

Jaén Cathedral
a Renaissance-style Roman Catholic church, the Cathedral is one of the most beautiful temples in Spain and one of the two jewels of the city of Jaén, together with the castle. Located in Santa Maria square, in front of the City Town Hall and right in the center of Jaén. Conceived and built in the 16th century, the Cathedral includes several masterpieces and important examples of the Spanish Renaissance. Kept in the Cathedral, there is a copy of the Veil of Veronica (Sudarium), a Christina relic consisting of a piece of cloth said to bear the image of the Holy Face of Jesus, and originated when Saint Veronica wiped the blood and sweat from Jesus face with her veil. The Holy Face of Jesus ("Santo Rostro") is publicly displayed every Friday in the Cathedral. An important remark is that the Cathedral is in the process to be declared World Heritage Site. You can get tickets for 8€ each, and the Cathedral is open Monday to Friday 10:00-14:30 / 16:30-19:30, Saturdays 10:00-19:30 and Sundays 14:00-19:00
also given our Catholic wedding will take place in this historic church, you will be able to visit one of Jaén most iconic churches, which dates from year 1248 and represents on of the cities most visited landmarks.
San Ildefonso Church

Casa Antonio
Pan y Aceite
Casa Amate
Dama Juana